
33yo Male Hyena (Pansexual) United States

active furry since 2006.

My fursonas


Ashiato Watakashi

Species: Hyena Ashiato Watakashi is shy, tastes like cotton candy, 5ft 6in, likes: paws, maws, macro/micro, dislikes: drama, haters, drool is multicolored, turns into a giant werehyena during full moons, paws/eyes glow in the dark only in werehyena form, accessories off in werehyena form, genderless, female apperance.
Blue Fur #218CFF
Purple Hair/Purple Part of Tail #A758CF
Dark Pink Fur #E061D2
Light Pink Fur #E5A4E4
Spots #FAC6DC
Chest/Face #FFE7FF
Snoot #5C2870
Paw Pads #A758CF
Claws #E5A4E4
Tongue #37BBFF
Inside of Mouth #8874C8
Drool 1 #64CAFF
Drool 2 #E5A4E4
Eye Iris #5879E2
Eye Pupil #87AEDE
Paw Pad Glow #E061D2


Ashi is a Cotton Candy flavored Hyena. He is the pure extracted light of Conner.


Conner Hemming

Species: Folf Conner Hemming is shy, clumsy, protective, 7ft 5in, 220lbs, speaks english & hemming, knows shadow magic, can shapeshift, can sizeshift.
Dark Fur #4D2B01
Light Fur #D69C52
Hair #611501
Eyes #FFD902
Paw Pads #202020
Snoot #0B0B0B
Tongue #AB2727


Conner Hemming is the true full form of Ashi and Chronic. He wanted to not turn out like his grandfather and be a killer, so he removed the darkness from his heart [Chronic] and years later Chronic removed the light from his heart [Ashi]. He is currently in a stasis tube. Location currently unknown.


Chronic Megedagik

Species: Darkness Chronic Megedagik is evil, murderous, shapeshifter, sizeshifter.
Fur #121212
Blue Markings #1A286F
Pink Markings #C003FE
Hair #DD72EA
Left Eye #1A286F
Right Eye #C003FE
Snoot #30042B
Toes 1 #F9A6FF
Toes 2 #8A489C
Hat 1 #380437
Hat 2 #C103FF
Paw Logo on Hat #471855
Fire Logo on Hat #642378


Chronic is the pure extracted darkness of Conner.


Eamane Hemming

Species: Ice Wolf Eamane Hemming is magical, ice queen, pearlescent colors in moonlight, anthro & feral.
Fur #738EBB
Pearlescent Pink #FFB0FF
Pearlescent Blue #8FF7FF
White Markings #FFFFFF
Hair #264271
Eye Iris #0F0F0F
Eye Pupil #A2A2A2
Paw Pads #0C2251
Fingers/Toes #122647
Snoot #000C36


She is the wife of Conner Hemming. After Conner went missing, she went into a deep depression. Chronic eventually killed her.

My conventions

VBLFC 2021 Other kind of ticket
Furality LUMA Other kind of ticket
Furality Legends Other kind of ticket
Furality Other kind of ticket
Furality 2020 Other kind of ticket
Biggest Little Fur Con (USA) Residential + Early arrival
Biggest Little Fur Con (USA) Residential + Early arrival